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Arewabooks is a storytelling platform designed for the publication of e-books, with a veiw to creating a hub for readers and writers alike, where they can easily access published contents.


As an avid reader, Umar Muhammad realised that reading books sent through WhatsApp and various other groups, though enjoyable, often times is beset with it's own challenges. Recalling a situation where an author had to announce on a group chat where she pasted her books, that the rest chapters are to be paid for, and provide her bank details for readers to make the payment, Umar insisted that was not the best way to go about selling and sharing one's contents, and in a bid to address this lapse, his research led to the birthing of ArewaBooks.


The developmental process of ArewaBooks officially started on January, 2021, and completed in May, 2021. Umar had initially chose the name "Hausa Bookstore", until a number of reviews, feedback and suggestions from users inspired an upgrade which led to a total overhauling of the platform's design and brand name into what you have today, "AREWA BOOKS PUBLISHERS". He finalized this process in August, completed the paper works in November and plans to launched in December, 2021.

Please stay tuned and spread the word!